
Our service includes but are not limited to the following:

      • Company Registrations worldwide including Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV’s) trusts and foundations
      • Intellectual Property
        • Renewals
        • Recordals of change of ownership
        • Recordals of change of name and address
        • Recordals of Licence
        • Recordals of Security Interest
        • Recordals of exclusions and limitation

Company Registrations

 Assist, register and structure companies worldwide.

Trust and Foundations

 Assist, register and structure trusts and foundations worldwide.

Intellectual Property - Types of registerable transactions

Transactions involving Intellectual Property Registrations are registerable and vary from country to country.  The types of transactions that can be registered include:


the transfer of legal title of registered Intellectual Property rights from one entity (the “assignor”) to another (the “assignee”).

Company Mergers, Acquisitions and Amalgamations 

the acquisition of registered Intellectual Property rights through company restructuring.


 Lawful permission for a third party to use the owner’s registered Intellectual Property rights

Security Interest

Using a registered Intellectual Property right as security for a loan.

Good Reasons to Register Transactions

Even if there are no statutory obligation to record registerable transactions at the Intellectual Property Office in some countries, if accepted, it is advisable to do so as soon as possible after the transaction has taken place.

Registering a transaction at the Intellectual Property Office is deemed to put third parties on notice of your rights. Therefore, in order to protect your rights against third parties, it is critical that the relevant transaction is registered at the Intellectual Property Office ideally within six months after the date of the transaction.


In our experience, however, it is not uncommon to find that previous registerable transactions and/or other changes (e.g. name or address changes) affecting registered
Intellectual Property Rights have not been recorded and, as a result, the details on the national register are out of date.  In such situations, it is necessary to locate all relevant documentation (sometimes requiring confirmatory assignments, certified copies of official company documents, powers of attorney etc.) and perfect the chain of title before the latest registerable transaction can be recorded.  The more out of date the register is, the more complicated, time consuming and expensive this can become, particularly where parties higher up the chain of title have subsequently been dissolved or have gone into administration.


Whilst it may seem like an unnecessary administrative burden at the time, keeping national registers up to date on an incremental basis each time a registerable transaction or other change takes place can lead to time and cost savings in the long run.

Registration of applicant changes at the EUIPO post-Brexit

Since the UK’s departure from the EU on 31 December 2020, all pre-existing European registered community designs (RCD’s) and trade marks (EUTM’s) have been complemented by the creation of UK “clone” rights.


For owners of RCDs and EUTMs assigning their rights now it will also be necessary to record those assignments at the UKIPO in relation to these clone rights. It is also a key time for those who hold security interests in RCD’s and EUTM’s to review their interests and determine if they also need to record against the UK clone rights.


By keeping comprehensive records on the register ensures smooth legal procedures and/or disputes.

Records & Renewals

Our records system ensures that your intellectual property rights are meticulously documented and maintained to the highest possible standard by our Records and Renewals Team.


Trade mark registrations and registered designs all require regular payments of official fees in order to keep them in force. On instruction, we will attend to the payment of the official maintenance fees as and when they become due. We will send out renewal reminders in advance of your renewal deadline so that you will have plenty of time to budget for and instruct us regarding the renewal. The reminder system is all part of the service to our clients; if you choose not to renew there is of course no charge to you.

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